Easter is next Sunday! The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! The reason Christians have hope and belief in life after death! Hallelujah!
This is a wonderful time of year and a great reason to celebrate in our families.
And … like all holidays in the United States, it’s been very highly commercialized. So much so that unless you are intentional about focusing on the Savior during this obviously-Christian-based holiday, that darling little Easter bunny with all its baskets of eggs, candies, and gifts will overshadow the tremendous gift of the resurrection.
That’s why I love family home evening so very much! At least one of the reasons. It helps me be intentional about teaching my kids and it helps me set aside the time to actually do it. Yea, FHE!
Here are links to three awesome (and short!) videos that you can use in your family home evening tonight or anytime in the next couple of weeks as you focus on Easter and the resurrection:
“His Sacred Name–An Easter Declaration” (LDS.org) – This is a non-graphic review of Jesus’s Atonement, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. It is less than 3 minutes and finishes with President Monson bearing testimony of Jesus Christ.
- “He Lives: Testimonies of Jesus Christ” (LDS.org) – In this two-minute video, modern-day Apostles testify of Jesus Christ.
- “#Hallelujah–An Easter Message About Jesus Christ” (Mormon.org) – This two-minute video shares testimonies of people all over the world who are grateful for Jesus and His Atonement and resurrection. They say “Hallelujah”, which means in Hebrew, “Praise ye the Lord”.
I hope you enjoy these videos and as always …
Happy Home Evenings!
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