I sure hope you had a wonderful Christmas yesterday!
It’s natural after Christmas to start thinking of the past year and the coming year. For many people, they’re already planning their health goals and strategies, and for that reason, I want to introduce you to my wonderful health coach, Sarah Klein.
I met Sarah after praying for help with my health. I had three little kids, I was chronically overweight, tired, stressed, in daily digestive pain, and frustrated because I thought I was doing everything “right” and shouldn’t have those health issues.
Shortly after I started praying seriously for help, I saw a sign at my health food store announcing an upcoming talk by Sarah Klein called “The Yoga of Eating”. I felt super strongly that I should go, so I arranged a babysitter and showed up with eyes open and ears perked.

Sarah Klein – owner of Whole Health Lab, co-creator of the 30-Day Clean Living Challenge, personal and group health coach, and yoga teacher
Sarah was professional and had good material, but what stood out to me most was that … SARAH SHINES. Her eyes twinkle. Her face glows. She smiles. She’s slim, yet strong. My first impression was that she had the energy, the slimness, and the clear skin that I clearly didn’t. So, I signed up for her free consultation to see if a long-term coaching program would be a good fit for me … which it was!
I have worked with Sarah for about a year and a half now and I LOVE IT. She’s an amazing coach with practical, do-able suggestions. She sees what I miss. She listens and connects with what’s going on underneath the surface. And I know that she authentically cares about me.
Since I’ve worked with her, she has supported me in learning about the bigger picture of health and changing my lifestyle. I have
- Changed my way of eating in small ways over time. I’ve adjusted old favorite recipes to be healthier and gathered many new and nutritious recipes that I now make regularly.
- Figured out what foods work well for my body, how much sleep I need, and what kind of exercise (type and duration) make me feel energized and fantastic.
- After I figured out my optimum amount of sleep and started getting it regularly, chronic redness in the whites of my eyes gradually went away, leaving my eyes bright and clear.
- Been healed of a chronic (12-year), daily, very painful pain in the rear.
- Enjoyed good digestion instead of daily abdominal bloating and pain.
- Learned good planning, time management, and goal-setting skills; I became much more efficient and organized, which has brought me a lot of freedom and reduced my daily stress quite dramatically.
- Lost some weight, about 10 pounds … and decided I didn’t feel compelled to lose as much as I originally thought. Why? I was feeling so good that “the right number on the scale” just didn’t matter any more. I figured if I feel this good, the number must be just right!
- Improved my marriage and home life.
- Created and followed a yoga practice that nourishes me on many levels. My back and right arm used to go numb every day, several times a day. Now, it goes numb occasionally, usually because of how I was sleeping. As soon as I get in good posture, the numbness goes away.
- Last year at this time, I couldn’t walk because of some foot, ankle, and toe problems. I got orthotics for my shoes and did yoga daily, including some specific toe, foot, and ankle work. I did it regularly for months, and I’ve been “back on my feet”, walking, and exercising normally now for almost a year.
- I also had some knee problems. My knees would hurt when I walked and they were stiff and painful when I’d sit cross-legged, and they’d cave inward when I’d get up off the floor in a lunge position. It was quite concerning! And it lasted a long time! I started doing yoga and some physical therapy for my hips and knees and did that regularly for months. Now, my knees and hips are strong. No caving, less stiffness, and I can sit cross legged without pain.
- Developed WAY better stress-coping skills! I stress eat way less and deal with stressful situations way better.
- I’m overall happier on a day-to-day basis (Sarah started me off with a daily gratitude practice and then shared a TED Talk that gave daily happiness habits that I have adapted and used for months. It’s great!)
- Progressed in my career as an author and blogger. I published FHEasy in November and am working on a second book proposal.
- I’ve fallen in love with exercise: formal, planned exercise like going to a yoga or fitness class or working out at the rec center, as well as “incidental exercise” like walking my kids to school, parking at the edge of parking lots, and loading wood to sell (my husband is a professional arborist, so we have lots of wood to cut, move, and use or sell for firewood).
I love working with Sarah and wanted to let everyone know about her 30-Day Health Challenge coming up on January 9. It includes a welcome packet with guidelines and recipes, daily informational and support emails, weekly videos, and an awesome FB page for social support. I participated in her 2016 January and September challenges and highly recommend them! The first time around, I was under a high-pressure deadline for my book and the program supported me in keeping my health as a priority instead of getting off track. The second time around I fell in love with eating whole foods and especially greens and salads (which I’ve never really loved before). I’m planning to participate in the upcoming challenge and I look forward to it! This time my focus will be on putting everything together and getting some whole food treats to crowd out all the refined sugar and “treats” I’ve been having over the holidays. Please check out the challenge if you’re interested in shifting your health habits in a positive way.
Other Common Resolutions to Consider
For an FHE idea tonight, a great talk to review at this time of year is “Of Regrets and Resolutions” by President Uchtdorf.
In summary, he says at the end of their lives, dying people frequently express regrets in the following (or similar) ways:
I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.
I wish I had lived up to my potential.
I wish I had let myself be happier.
His suggestions are that we:
Resolve to spend more time with those we love. (Yea, family home evening and scripture study!)
Resolve to strive more earnestly to become the person God wants you to be. (Yea, personal prayer and scripture study … and yoga if you’re into that world, too!)
Resolve to find happiness, regardless of our circumstances. (See this TED talk by Shawn Ancor and please overlook anything you need to and hear the message, especially the suggestions at the end.)
As you close this year and begin the next, may you have many
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