October Conference 2016 FHEasy Ideas
General Conference starts tomorrow! Our family has been talking about it all week. We pulled out the Church leaders’ pictures from the last conference Ensign and taped them on the wall and we’ve been going over names and things we know about some of the leaders. As usual, we did an FHEasy lesson on Monday and follow-up daily scriptures throughout the week, focusing on conference this time around. My upcoming book FHEasy has a lesson and scriptures for Spring Conference as well as Fall Conference, so you’ll have plenty of ideas, quotes, and scriptures available for next conference. You can pre-order on Amazon and if you send me the receipt at Tina@FHEasy.com, I’ll email you four lessons from the book to get you started right away! Please share this offer. Please pass this offer on to your friends!
But until publication, here are a couple of ideas for you to consider using in your family.
My favorite scripture for conference time is 3 Nephi 12:1 when Jesus tells the Nephites,
“Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after that ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost.”
In preparation for conference, I copied off the conference notebook on LDS.org for each of my kids and also copied the pictures of the First Presidency and Quorum of the 12 for them to cut out, paste, and make themselves a little Bingo card with the pictures and a free space in the middle. (My kids adore cut and paste activities, so this was a winner.) For FHE on Monday, we’ll be discussing our notes over dinner.
Also, my oldest girl is ten and doing the Faith in God program, so she’ll be passing off the activity “Read [or watch] a recent conference address given by the prophet. Decide what you can do to follow the prophet, and do it” (6).
What kinds of things do you do for conference preparation, FHEs, and scripture study?
Happy Conference Weekend!
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