Something in our FHEasy box in the Spring is an Easter egg coloring kit. I buy kits as soon as I see them in the store and stick them in the box so they are there when I want them.
Here’s one of my favorite tips for getting lots of fun and variety into your FHEs. Simply get a box (or a bag), some recipe cards, and a pen. Then quickly go through your house looking for things your family loves to play with but doesn’t do very often. Maybe all the toys are in a pile and some of your favorites get lost. Maybe you have puzzles or games that your family loves to play, but you don’t think of them when it’s time to come up with an idea. Maybe you just don’t remember what you’ve got where.
When you find something that looks like a fun thing to do on family night either put it in the bag or write it on a recipe card and put the card in the bag. Don’t make this a chore. Do it very quickly. It shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes, thirty minutes max if you have a really big house or lots of things you are looking through.
When you are done, put the box in a special spot where it is out of the way but where you will see it fairly often. I have mine on a high shelf in my clothes closet so I see it every day, but the kids don’t. (I have had it in less visible places and forgotten all about it for months before, so definitely put it somewhere it can be seen regularly or where it’s near your book, but where your kids won’t get into it.)
After an FHE lesson, get the box out, but keep it hidden from the family so it doesn’t become a discussion item among the kids. Have family members take turns each week with who will pick something to do from the box. This keeps activities fresh and varied and fun as well as including everyone in the choosing.
I’ve found that my family home evening box keeps a sparkle in my kids’ eyes just for the fun of having a surprise.
Happy Home Evenings!
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